Friday, December 10, 2010

Fighting Parkinson's, It Is Time For A Study, Part 2

I have moved the entire blog to my web site. To read this blog post in its entirety, please click,

All my best,



  1. hello Howard,

    I would like to participate in your study, let me know if you need some more specific information. Hope to hear from you !!

    with kind regards Martin

  2. I admire your ambition in taking this on. What I am conflicted about is the idea that the techniques you used were the only way to heal. My feeling is that it can be more individual and that there are other combinations that may work. Indeed, we don't know which techniques were the key elements in healing you. From reading Janice's book I saw PDers healing in different ways. I'm going to try your exercises and think about your proposal though.

  3. I have not said that these are the only techniques that work. I merely have said that I know what techniques worked in my recovery and that maybe the techniques I used to recover will work for others.

  4. Thank you, Martin.
    I will get back with you soon.
    Best regards,
